Outdoor Nessie

In late afternoon, when the sun started to set behind the hill, we took Nessie (Bridget Jones) out for a few photos. It was her first time outdoors since she moved to us (as we have not built a cat run for the girls yet), so it was amazing to see her so relaxed and unafraid of everything. She played with long straws of grass, tried to catch bugs and purred loudly all the time, but no hint of trying to walk away. But on the other hand, she did not pose as she wanted to play instead... Better luck next time, I hope!

Nessie is developing nicely and we are so pleased over her strong boning! With a weight of over 2.5 kilos at 4.5 months of age, she is even bigger than greatgrandmother Kiwawa at the same age and Kiwawa's weight as a grown up is 5.9 kilos. Time will tell...
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