Language-litter 11 weeks

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Just one more week until they start moving to their new homes... They look a bit more 'extreme' than we usually expect after Kiwawa and Enigma, but we believe they will get broader heads and straighter sidelines when they grow up, especially when comparing to parents, siblings and half-siblings. All four have strong and muscular bodies and they actually have more lengths in body than we are used to in this combination as well. Being kittens after Kiwawa, the coat is of course of impressive quality already. Sawai is the playful and purring boy. Illyrian is still mummy's boy... It will do him good to leave mum! He still loves to hang out together with her to get a sip of milk now and then. As we have seen before, the kittens prefer to choose playmate according to colour and being the only red, he is spending more time alone or with the youngsters than the others. Blackfoot is a gentle giant - strong and sad-looking but kind and calm. Tigrinya is a special girl with a strong mind and a personality that intrigues me. Friendly and sweet; loves to lick at hands and feet.
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