We are quite pleased with our decision to keep Tiggi! She is a promising girl, even if we do not quite agree with her ear size, shape and placement. Considering the quality on the kittens after her older siblings, we are quite excited to get kittens after Tiggi! Already planning and thinking about suitable males...

Such a sweetie!

Even if she got kittens this summer, Älva's coat started to grow longer just in her ordinary manner during summer. That means that she will most likely loose her coat again in November-December and that means we cannot take her to shows again until next summer. No way I will show her coatless now that she is aiming for the highest title!

Our sweetheart Nessie! Always sweet and soft and purring :) Soon she turns six months and she is not far behind the other girls in size. She just makes everyone happy and it is a pure joy to watch her catch flies in the air.

Three cuddly kittens in a hammock - "pleeeease don't stop cuddling our bellys"!!! Serenity, Memento and Desperado early this morning.

The kittens gladly sleep in our laps, lying on their backs.

Serenity is such a sweet girl and sooo beautiful! Unfortunately she seems to have something on her tail ending. Damage or congenital, we will never know, but we hope to find a loving pet home instead - or perhaps to be shown as a neuter?

Funny-looking and promising - the kind of boy hard to forget :) Getting more harmonical and beautiful each day.
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