Monday, October 15, 2007

Normal Again

Back from a visit at the vet, where we got Enigma's and Tigrinya's hearts thoroughly examined by ultrasound. Both were classified normal with quite good measurements. A bit early still, but we asked the vet to check for signs of pregnancy, but either it was too early or we have to accept that she isn't expecting :( If Tigrinya starts calling again we will let Jeppson have a go and hopefully we will have a chance in the future to go back to the sweetest boy in Stockholm or some relative.

Any minute now, Enigma will be neutered and it will be great to see him getting in full condition both in weight and coat this autumn/winter; running around freely on our small farm. There will surely be loads of pictures on him this winter. (Yep, that's a promise!)

Tomorrow the little ones turn three weeks old! They are sooo sweet all of them. I might as well warn you already that if I'm unlucky, I have too little time on Tuesday to both take pictures and update the website and then you would have to wait until late Thursday for updates as I'm out travelling on Wednesday... Well, let's just hope that everything works out on Tuesday!

In Swedish:
Fler glada nyheter idag! Sawai har äntligen kommit hem efter 2.5 månad på rymmen. Verkar dock som om han hade fått mänsklig hjälp hemifrån eftersom han hade irrat runt i Smögen innan han fick följa med en snäll dam hem som, sedan hon fick reda på hur, kontaktade ägarna som bor i Göteborg. En lättnad att Sawai är hemma helskinnad! Det var en ledsam septembermånad när hans bild visades i Skogkattslingans almanacka och man trodde att han var borta för alltid. Nu gläds vi med ägarna :)