Late Friday night, the first lamb of this year was born! Here he is less than 12 hours of age and follow each step of his proud mum. Such a cutie with a weight just above two kilos! Now we hope he won't get cold in the snow that actually falls again this morning.

As we have five more sheep (ewe), we expect more lambs during the months to come.

Yep, this is proud daddy, called Aladdin and two years of age.

I tried to get nice new pictures of Jeppson, but being the sweet boy he is, he only wants to cuddle and refuses to pose even for an instant. With some help of holding him, he was at least caught on picture. Two weeks from now he turns two years of age and he has two recently born litters with quite nice babies. Not that impressive looking in summer coat, but he is still lovely :)
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