Monday, September 01, 2008

Scandinavian Winner show

Back from a weekend in Norway. It was great fun meeting everyone (old and new friends) and seeing so many lovely NFOs :)

SeaMonkey and Pointy got great judgements but lost in the end because both had older competitors (thus size and coat), despite their slightly stronger technical details. Congrats to the competitors!

Nightcrawler got his CAP but lost BIV and NOM due to his somewhat big stomach ;)

Nessie got her CAGCIB with comment on being "technically complete". The BIV-total went to Nightcrawler's son S*NC's Sooner or Later who later also was NOM and got two votes in the panel. His sister S*NC's Words Unspoken got three votes and a MCO got the same - some exciting moments until the the judges voting for other cats chose the MCO as a winner. Big congrats to S*Nenya's and S*NC's!

Big big congrats to the SW in the family! SW'08 S*NC's Hunting High and Low won best neuter male and since he has two S*Restless grandfathers (GIC S*Restless Nightcrawler and S*Restless Xander) we are extra happy! Again big congrats to the owners family Sultan and the breeders Susanne and Peo at S*NC's cattery!