Sierra is a very strong-built girl, incredibly cute and purring loudly.

Topher is big and strong, but looks a bit funny at the moment as he lost all his wool on his body... Tail, face and legs are still furry, but on his body there is only guard hairs left... Well, after a few days, we already notice that the wool is growing out. It might be a reaction on mummy's deworming some days before he lost all coat or perhaps something else altogether. The important thing is the fact that he will look perfectly normal in time. Since this is China's third litter and she has had no problems earlier and we have not seen this in the lines of his father, we think we can rule out the possibility of something hereditary. Well, he is a big, strong and heavy (670 grams) boy with a sweet temperament, looking just like daddy (but red).

Tristan is a sweet and social boy, waving his tail like crazy when he is happy (most of the time) and purring a lot. Quite pleased that we decided he should stay :)
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