Wednesday, April 23, 2008

First impressions

A newborn lamb! Our fourth lamb 2008, only a couple of hours old. Simply adorable! We will name her Aerin. The previous Aerin turned out to be a male and is now known as Anduril...

We will enjoy having sweet Biggie with us for another month. These social kittens follow us around, sit in our laps and have soft and lovely temperaments. The ragdoll behaviour when being held is practiced daily especially by our children ;) They also make fantastic teddybears when watching TV as young E here demonstrates (Pointy slept in J:s lap next to them).

Only a few more days until Chai's babies will arrive! She is quite big...

Jeppson has an appointment at the vet for neutering next Wednesday. We will see if we can go through with it considering the excellent temperament and promising type of his offspring... ;) Our host kittens are so sweet, very social, easy to handle and cuddly - thanks E&A for marvellous work! The promising type we have Tiggy and Jeppson to thank for. Smooth, straight profiles. Strong chins. Nice proportions all over and funny looking ears (which is usually a good sign)... But then, even though Jeppson is clearly a silver cat, it seems as if none of his offspring are silver so far?! Would love if we got a litter that was unlikely in a way that was wished for next time...