Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Successful NFO show

The weekend went past quickly and the show went just great! Big congrats to all winners! I had very little time to walk around and admire the show hall filled with only Norwegian Forest Cats, but when I did, I enjoyed every second. Big congrats to all winners and all participants!

Our Nessie got her eighth CAGCIB (one in Norway and the rest in Sweden, thus the new rule applies) and became Grand International Champion in eight straight shows with five Best in Varieties (which is not always possible in group 3) and four nominations.

Pointy got Ex1 in tough competition and Firefox did the same, six months and one day of age. Unfortunately they had to meet in the selection for BIV... Well, Firefox won that and was also nominated. In the panel he later got one vote out of four and since the winner was big and beautiful, it felt fair.

Lovely to meet four of Jean-Paul's offspring! S*Theodortorps Mattis and Lovis got Ex2 and Ex3 (if I remember correctly). S*Fairyhearts Vira Blåtira got Ex1 BIV and lost the nomination to her brother S*Fairyhearts Halla Ballou Boy who won my heart and became Ex1 NOM.

Since Anansi started calling in the beginning of the weekend, we took her to meet her intended boyfriend on my free day, the day after the show. They seem friendly enough and we hope for lovely babies in the beginning of 2009! Since she got pyometra after her first heat session, it was more or less necessary to mate her this early. From now on we will be more careful letting our females in heat meet our neutered male who still mates them... He is not unhealthy in any way, no carrier of disease or whatever, but some of our girls seem more viable to get pyometra after being mated without getting pregnant.