Time flies! Tristan is already four months of age and such a lovely sweetheart! He decided to stay which we of course agreed upon and he has the most intense look and his tail, waving like a dog's combined with his loud purr, shows his happiness. Every female at home cares for him like his mother and he is a funny 'big brother' for our current kittens.

KitKat with his almost already adult look melts hearts... Every cat at home loves him (including
Nicky - joy!) and he is super kind to everyone at home, two- and fourlegged. The children carries him around and he hangs like a bean bag. Daily, he demands to visit the cat run where he has a great time, running around until he tires. Strangely enough, he has no trouble sleeping no matter what happens around him, whether it is raining or a forest machine walking past with its loud engine on. Super cool and almost difficult to carry as he is so relaxed.
Both are quite promising type-wise and we enjoy watching their development at close range. Sweethearts!
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