Long Days Journey
It has been some long days at work this week and even longer evening tonight working by the computer to bring pictures to everyone who waits... Tonight I have uploaded pictures of the Metal litter aged 7 weeks 2 days and the Mozilla Software babies at 2 weeks. If you are interested and want to see more pictures, just send me an email and I will direct you to a gallery.
Prince Firefox! He has stolen my heart and he already has many admirers... We are quite pleased with the entire litter: They all have very high qualities and it feels like an even litter.
Dreamtale did not feel like posing, but the boys actually cooperated in some way for a few seconds...
Vimsan - here hunting a snake! This one happened to escape, but she has eaten heads and tails off a couple so she is more than meets the eye, our blue-white beauty...

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