Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Daddy Lynx

Just a reminder how he looked at five week of age :) Today he is stunning with the most amazing ears! Even if he got Ex2 at the Scandinavian Winner show this weekend, we are quite proud to hear that the judge thought he had the best ears in the entire group 4 :)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

If you are waiting...

I will try to write to all of you waiting to hear from me later tonight when Elias is asleep... Easier to write when I do not have to fetch Elias climbing the stairs or making a mess somewhere ;)

By the way - don't you agree that Desperado has the most funny-looking ears?! Just like daddys ;)

Monday, August 28, 2006

Yey, finally!

New pictures of all the kittens are finally uploaded! Seems like we cannot upload pictures to this blog tonight, though :/ Well, the quality varies this week. I really dislike to use flash but when I'm in a hurry it is much simpler - especially as it's raining every day... But I got a few nice ones of Illyrian in the window :)

We have decided to keep Tigrinya as a hostcat! The main reason is that we already have an offspring of Lynx' brother Mozilla. Yes, we do know that Tigrinya is a full sister to Lynx' mother, but at the moment it felt more sound and exciting than keeping a cousin. We believe Älva's next litter will be quite exciting to keep something from instead ;)

So, now we'll try to figure out which of the girls is going where... We would not mind to have pet homes for one or more as we dislike to place all kittens in a litter as breeding cats :/

A trip by car...

The Language-litter was at the vet today for their first vaccination. Some of them unfortunately inherited the car sickness from daddy and thus they were all dirty when we got there as they shared the cage... They got a bath at the vet's before getting the shot and another when we got home. I'm glad they are sweet and easy to handle ;)

So, now when I was supposed to get some nice pictures they are newly bathed and sooo tired :/ I'll try later. I knoooow you are waiting!

Mummy seem to be in heat, even though she got a pill five days ago. I guess we were wrong when blaming the kittens for peeing in our bed then - it's Kiwawa's trademark ;) Yes, it is a relief that she will become neuter as soon as possible...

More news later tonight!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I know!

But I had no time to sit by the computer today either. But we got loads of stuff fixed at the house and managed to be a bit social as well ;) Tomorrow will be a busy day again as it is time for the older kitten's first vaccination and it is also time for their 8-week pictures. Just keep your fingers crossed that children and kittens cooperate...

...and yes, I believe we have decided on which cat we will keep in our cattery...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

New pictures?

Nope. Not today. I simply did not have the time. The pictures from today will be at our website some time tomorrow instead. Sorry. Been a busy day and it is not over yet - still loads to attend to. All is well with cats, kittens and people.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Language-litter 7 weeks

I always love to see kittens from this combination - they are all different but all very strong-built, sweet and typical forest cats. New pictures uploaded!

Big congrats to S*NC's and IC S*Restless Nightcrawler's BOX in Stockholm yesterday! We are so proud :)

We have to start making decisions on the future homes of the younger kittens... What's taking us so long? Well, there is no secret that we want to keep a girl in our cattery and we are having a bit of a trouble to decide which one of the four available ;) They all have something special to offer... Promise to start making decisions. Soon. Next week or so ;)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Movie-litter 4 weeks

Updated with pictures on our movies litter. As we had a busy day, it's just one picture per kitten this week. They are a bit behind in development (and size for some of them), but they will surely catch up soon now that almost all of them eat dry food.
Tigrinya is such a sweet girl :)

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Memento found the dry food when he was just a few days older than three weeks. But he is still a bit too young to understand the meaning with litter box.
We often find the older kittens sleeping together with the younger. I guess they are a bit calmer - Sawai is an expert in biting ears ;)

I believe Ivette does not always understand how big she has become... But she is a super extra mum!
Amélie is just getting more and more beautiful for each day :) They have the same funny-looking ears as Lynx with brothers had.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Language-litter 6 weeks

Not that they cooperated... Kittens seldom do ;)

Show weekend

This weekend we spent at a cat show in Varberg. Bridget Jones was at her first show and it was great fun to hear the nice judgements! She was the only female in kitten class and lost both days to the same beautiful brown tabby male (big congrats!), but we were proud to read judgements like "outstanding show presentation" and to see the big heart across the entire judgement and of course to hear that she had the best boning in the entire group 3!!! Not bad for a 5-month old female :D Also quite glad that she was just as cool as ever, but I expected no less. Ivette was at her first show as a neuter and got brilliant judgements both days, got BIV-neuter when there were enough neuters on Sunday and was number two for the nomination both days (the birman who won both days is just outstanding). Ivette is such a beauty and now that she also weigh over five kilos she is pretty impressive - not many who complains over her way-too-short tail when being under her spell ;)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Movie-litter 20 days

There is no time this weekend to update with photos, so I made an effort today. Guess no one was in the right mood when I finally got a short time interval to give it a try :/ Well, perhaps I can add a few more pictures another day...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

For all sizes?

Found a fun furniture-playground-thingie for the kittens, but Ivette who loves hammocks occupied it instantly :)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Language-litter 5 weeks

They are all doing just great. Eating well, using the litter box and are full of life. Mummy Kiwawa is tired of having them in one room only and convinces a couple of them to escape now and then. We would be thankful if they stay in there a week or two more, though... Check out our website for new pictures!

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Memento - looking like a toad ;) - constantly escapes from mummy... He is a social and sweet boy who loves to sleep in the sun and look at the older kittens playing. Check out his hindlegs - comfy? ;)

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Joanna loves to take care of 'her' kittens :) Let's just say that they are well-handled...
Some of the kittens in the Language-litter have started to eat RCs BabyCat. They also use the litter box. All seems to work out just fine :) It's just Illyrian, who does not understand why the others are so fascinated by anything else than mummy's milk.
Sawai is Joanna's favourite at the moment.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Movie-litter 10 days

The little ones are growing nicely and it is fun to compare the kittens to their relatives. They look more like their father's litter (our web-browser litter) than Älva's last one. As the pattern emerges through the blackness, I must admit that both Desperado and Amélie looks silver today even if they have brownish coloration in their faces.