Sunday, September 30, 2007


Is it not wonderful to have tiny kittens curled up and sleeping in one's hand?!

Having a lazy day, I had to try photographing the little ones with a better lense...Not simple to adjust the focus when having a manual 50mm/1.4 on my camera in right hand and a kitten in my left hand and bad light in the room as it is, but the pictures got pretty cool.

The kittens are doing just great. They grow fast. Coraline is already starting to open her eyes.

Just don't get used to new pictures twice a week hereafter ;)

Thursday, September 27, 2007


We are sad to tell you that Neverwhere faded away this afternoon. He had a tough birth, being stuck in the birth canal for too long with a broken birth sack and was very weak when he came out and had gotten water in his lungs.

Neverwhere never got enough energy to fight for his life and eat properly and it hurts to tell you that we lost him on September 27. It never feels like one has done enough...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


An early update today!
China and her five babies are doing just fine. The weak boy finally found out how to eat this morning and shows no signs of water in his lungs today. The birth weights were between 92 and 126 grams. The website is updated with pictures, not of perfect quality but better than nothing... I had forgotten how much I dislike the standard lense 18-70.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Chai got her first litter today! Actually, we are not entirely sure she is finished yet... She has done a great job, but she took a rather long break in the middle and unfortunately one of the babies got too much water in his lungs at birth and was gone already. Another kitten was stuck with his hindfeet sticking out for quite some time and seem a bit weak but we hope he will survive the night.

So far: 2 girls f 09 23, 1 girl n 09 23 and 1 boy d 09 23 and we are keeping everything crossed for 1 boy d (09) 23 who hasn't understood how to eat yet. They are of course extraordinary and stunningly beautiful ;) Pictures and information tomorrow (evening).

Monday, September 24, 2007


Don't even ask...

No kittens yet - we have to wait patiently a while longer...

Chai and the wild bunch still inside are doing just great. More info as soon as there is anything to tell.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Once more, with feeling

Tiggy's first visit in Stockholm was unsuccessful, but today she met her loverboy once more and this time we will keep our fingers crossed even harder for a stunning litter of brown blurry tabbies in November ;)

Pictures of them both can be found from entry on July 20.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Back from a great show weekend in Tönsberg, Norway! Thanks Malin for great company
and big congrats on Bambi's results :)

Nessie got CACIB NOM both days and became International Champion on Sunday.

Älva got CACE NOM both days and became European Champion on Sunday!

Chai's stomach grew even bigger during the weekend and Tiggy seems to be in heat again, so she needs a new trip to her loverboy in Stockholm.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Show weekend

Back from a great fun show weekend in Mölndal. Älva got CACE BIV both days and Nessie got CAC BIV NOM and became Champion yesterday and today she got CACIB NOM. Älva had the BIS and BOB winner as competitor for nomination on Sunday - big congrats S*NC's and S*Just Catnap's for yet another fantastic show weekend for Alma! On Saturday, the judge decided to make a ring final when doing her nominations and I was very proud that Älva was #3 out of the 12 she chose from! I did not mind losing the nomination to #2 (a birman) with those results :)

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Chai is indeed expecting kittens! If all goes well, the little ones will arrive sometime between 23-25 September. She is doing just great, happy and always hungry. We are quite curious to see the result of her intense date with our Nicky.

Tiggy, our host cat, shows no clear signs of pregnancy so we have to assume she is not expecting, but still we have not completely given up hope of at least one sweet and beautiful kitten...

We have to send some more congrats to the latest fantastic show results of our offspring in Finland, Desperado, living in Foxypaw's cattery. We are so proud over him and amazed that the tiny, strange looking kitten turned out a show star. Sure, we had our suspicions that he would be a good-looking fellow despite his odd looks as a kitten, but we would never have dreamed of this! In Tammerfors last weekend he was BOX both days with 3 resp. 4 votes out of 10 towards a DSM birman lady and he is still a young boy who has still time to reach his full potential :)