Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

We wish all our friends out there a wonderful New Years Eve and a fantastic 2007!Chai is a lovely girl, growing so fast and with the most fantastic colours! She is always happy and purring and a joy to have around, even when she bites our toes ;)Nessie is as lovely as always, playing wildly with the two newcomers or cuddling. She cannot stop purring when taken outdoors for a photo session :) Her profile is perfectly straight and her chin impressive. Jeppson is absolutely hopeless to photograph... He refuses to keep his eyes open, his ears in a normal position and rather washes his behind if he cannot escape ;) Still, he has a lovely character, making it completely hopeless to sit by the computer as he demands the attention of our hands for cuddling... A promising boy who needs time to develop and too curious for his own good ;)

The others? Well, Isa is heavier than ever, Vimsan as relaxed as ever (both love it outdoors!), Älva is completely out of coat but happy and in great condition and Enigma as stunning as ever, being in wonderful condition this time of year :)

2007 will be an exciting and eventful year, we hope :)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

We wish all our friends out there a lovely Christmas holiday!

Sorry, we did not send any Christmas card this year.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Santa Cats

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Princess China

Sweet China has spent her first day in our home and she settles in nicely. Jeppson tries to be charm her but she finds him a bit annoying ;) Still, they play together. She sleeps close to the others and tries to understand how the children think ;) A purring sweetie with a very promising type - wonderful to have her here with us! The sun was actually shining this afternoon so I took her outside for a photo session, but it was a bit too exciting and a bit scary... Well, a few pictures can be found here and at her own page at our website.

Friday, December 15, 2006


...for Lars to come home with our Christmas gift ;) In the meantime I try to catch up with some work by the computer.

We had a cute mouse living under our kitchen sink, in the paper recycling bin... Nessie caught it in a second and had a fun time with it, not wanting to share her new-found toy with the others. Well, when hissing to keep JPG away, Älva caught it and... well... it did not move afterwards ;) Now we seem to have our garbage for ourselves again.

Jeppson settles in nicely and he has a great friend in Nessie. Some of our girls show their bossy side, which surprised us all. Vimsan being the sweetest to everyone else beats up Jeppson now and then and Älva does not like others fighting and joins in. No big problem - he just needs to find his place in the hierarchy, which might be confusing when being a teenager.

It's wonderful to see Isa and Vimsan run around outside! They have so much fun and catches loads of mice. Both of them has lost some of their extra weight as well and there is no trace of Vimsan's food intolerance anymore!

I visited our grandchildren after S*Restless Elektra at S*Kyllängen's cattery - five sweet boys. Here is the creme boy, so cute!The black silver mackerel tabby boy has such lovely silver colour on his legs and paws, I just have to show them.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Finally updated website!

Joanna wishing farewell to Syriana.
First a picture of Syriana on the day before she left for Spain.I saw a ray of sun shine through the trees and managed to get a few pictures of Jean-Paul. This will have to do until next sunny day ;)Joanna loves our new boy and so do we all - he is a very curious and sweet youngster, purring loudly and he is social towards both humans and cats :)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Show results Sunday

Tigrinya was on her first show today and did just great :) With five girls in her class I was very proud that she became Ex1 and when she got BIV I was so happy! Especially as that today meant that she also was NOM! In the final she got one vote of 8 :)

Jean-Paul again met the same competitors and got the same result as yesterday, Ex2.

Also very proud to report that Syriana got Ex1 BIV NOM BIS in Spain today! BIG congrats again Miguel and Eva at Vestvegr cattery!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Show results Saturday

Nessie was Ex1 (out of two) with an excellent judgement (only complaints on her ear size) but lost the BIV to S*Långängens Mandel (Congrats!). Jean-Paul was Ex2 (out of 3) with an excellent judgement as well (only complaints on his eye size) but lost to a BIG youngster, Europa's Jazz Uge (Congrats!).

Syriana was on show in Spain today and got Ex1 NOM BIS with 6 votes of 7! We are sooo proud and happy - BIG congrats to Miguel and Eva at Vestvegr cattery in Spain!

Memento was on show in Germany and he also got Best in Show! WOW! BIG congrats Karin at Elrilar's cattery in Germany - I can hardly believe it!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Finally here!

The waiting is over - our new loverboy D*Elvdal's Jean-Paul Gaultier is finally here after a loooong period of waiting :) He is lovely in both character and look and we want to thank his breeder Sylvia for a wonderful boy!On the pictures above he is 8 weeks (copyright Sylvia Helmers) and 3 months (on his first show in Germany). More information and pictures next week!