Today I finally got some time by the computer to just sit and prepare pictures for the website. As I decided to change software for preparing pictures, it has taken some time for me to find the energy enough just to start trying. I am far from satisfied with the work I did today as the functions have other names and it is hopeless to find just the kind of ones I'm used to. Besides, it is so much slower... Well, I'd better get used to it ;)
I tried to collect pictures from various emails for the big update today and I am sure I forgot half of them :( If you feel you miss a picture you have sent - please remind me!
Perhaps I should give an update of the cat situation as well, while I am sitting here doing nothing else:
Isa, our old lady, turns eight soon. She enjoys her days hunting mice in the vicinity of the house or sleep for hours indoors. We are glad to give her this opportunity orelse she would have been round as a basket ball...
Nicky, our stunning male, surely look forward to meeting his last girlfriend as soon as she is ready. Even if it feels immensely sad that he will not give us more special babies later on, it is at the same time a joy to think that he will hunt prey in the forest for years to come, together with his long-time love Isa.
Älva, our sweet silver fairie has a tough time with our diva Nessie, but she is as sweet and happy as always, as long as she keeps on her turf. It is wonderful to see how her confidence grows from show to show. We hope she will get her last six certificates towards her European Champion title during summer/autumn. She is the kind of cat with loads of coat in summer/autumn... She got such stunning babies in her last two litters, so we hope she will be ready for whomever we have in mind for her in the spring. Plans can change quite many times in that long time ;)
Vimsan, our expert hunter spends her days either indoors on her back, purring perfectly relaxed, or outdoors hunting various prey. We find all kinds of mice, birds, lizards, small snakes and squirrels on our doorstep... The kindest cat there is.
Nessie, our young boss never got mated even if she got 5-6 tries with young Jeppson. She is healthy and happy but now she will be on the pill until late autumn when she will go to her new boyfriend - if all works out, that is. Sweet Nessie is relaxed as a ragdoll (perhaps Vimsan taught her this as they are very much alike?) and very huggable. Besides, she replies when being spoken to, just like Isa :)
Jeppson, our youngster is sweet and happy. We are not entirely sure he enjoys life as a fertile male and he did not find out how to mate a girl in heat, but he develops nicely and loves to cuddle. As we had to change our plans this summer, he is without partner until 2008, so he would gladly accept visits from other sweet girls in the meantime.
Chai, our big girl, reached 4.5 kilos at 9 months of age... She is full of hormones and cannot understand the meaning of cat shows at the moment. For her own sake, she will get a pause from shows and instead be mated when she starts calling. She is a typical tortie with strong will and at the same time so sweet and cuddly. Her development is great!
Tiggy, our host cat, is a special girl. The most promising girl from the combination of Isa and Nicky and we are so excited to see her first litter. We have a special boy in mind and this time we are rather sure we cannot let them all move ;)

We also want to send some extra congrats to CH S*Restless Desperado JW for his Champion-title! He has done remarkably well on shows this spring with 10 Best in Shows in a row! He looks even more stunning for each picture we see of him and we are so proud of him and his siblings.
Whatelse have I forgotten?