Results and expected
Slightly tired after a busy show weekend, but it was a fun weekend in all. I brought Nessie with me after a pause from shows for almost six months (hoped she would be mated in the meantime, but well...) and it was great to see how well she took it. She got CAC in competition both days and NOM on Saturday. It is a joy to bring Älva to shows nowadays as she is in great condition both coatwise and in weight. With all those youngsters participating on shows today, still thin and under development, a fully grown lady in almost full coat stands out. She got CACE BIV-total NOM both days. Quite pleased :)
Checked for signs of pregnancy on sweet Chai tonight, but it was rather obvious almost a week ago already... She is indeed expecting kittens with Nicky! Yey! Looking forward to seeing the result, especially as we are sure it will be Nicky's best litter ever ;) Three weeks after the first mating and she has gained about 250 grams.
Checked for signs of pregnancy on sweet Chai tonight, but it was rather obvious almost a week ago already... She is indeed expecting kittens with Nicky! Yey! Looking forward to seeing the result, especially as we are sure it will be Nicky's best litter ever ;) Three weeks after the first mating and she has gained about 250 grams.