Is it not wonderful to have tiny kittens curled up and sleeping in one's hand?!
Having a lazy day, I had to try photographing the little ones with a better lense...Not simple to adjust the focus when having a manual 50mm/1.4 on my camera in right hand and a kitten in my left hand and bad light in the room as it is, but the pictures got pretty cool.
The kittens are doing just great. They grow fast. Coraline is already starting to open her eyes.
Just don't get used to new pictures twice a week hereafter ;)

Having a lazy day, I had to try photographing the little ones with a better lense...Not simple to adjust the focus when having a manual 50mm/1.4 on my camera in right hand and a kitten in my left hand and bad light in the room as it is, but the pictures got pretty cool.
The kittens are doing just great. They grow fast. Coraline is already starting to open her eyes.
Just don't get used to new pictures twice a week hereafter ;)