Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New catrun part I

Anansi is way too wild not to be let out into a cat run now and then... We are busy building a new one full of climbing opportunities and we cannot wait to see her run around in it!
Nicky is trying out the newly made bridge in the cat-run-to-be. Not the most enthusiastic one ;) We tried to encourage Vimsan to try the rope ladder, but when humans hands hold her, she relaxes completely making it impossible to actually make her to use any muscles to climb - all we get is a big furry ball lying on the ground wondering what made us let her go... Obviously, no photo of this event ;)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Just a few more days

One week from now, only one of the kittens will run around here creating chaos. It feels a bit sad, but we are happy we get to spend another month with Thunderbird and we are sure the others will come to great homes. The development has been great on all four and we are awfully pleased with Mozilla's and China's babies. Now we start planning for the next two litters during winter 2008/2009...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Seems as if we have a slight case of vacation here ;) The host kittens (Shadowplay, Nightwish, Dragonforce and Dreamtale) have all moved to their new homes. The younger kittens (Sunbird, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey and Firefox are all booked. All is fine. No new pictures at 10 weeks of age though.