August 23-24 I spent on the cat show in Varberg (Sweden). Mostly I came there to help with the results during the two show days, but I also brought some cats, of course...
Chai was on her first show as an adult and the first after her two litters and even if he was not in the best mood (she could not really see the meaning of being closed in a whole day in a cage and wanted to run around by herself, I think...), she behaved nicely on the judge's table; not even complaining. She had a flashy competitor who of course got the certificate. Bringing Chai to a show with completely short summer coat was just for the practice, not the results ;)
Firefox came to the show with his new owner Lotta/Långängens and I was sooo happy to see him again! He was big, strong and beautiful and purred most of the time. Such a sweetheart! Unfortunately he seem to have gotten a bee sting or something on his whisker pad as the entire profile part was very swollen and his otherwise perfectly straight profile was now convex... Despite that, he still got
Ex1 of 2 on Saturday and also
BIV 3-10 months and got
nominated with one vote in the panel! On Sunday, he had to accept to lose because of his swollen profile, but nonetheless got a nice judgement.
Nessie is starting to come into winter coat, so we started to collect points for the GIC-title this weekend and she came two steps closer :) The judge on Saturday liked her very much and also gave her
BIV-total and
NOM against two beautiful cats and the judge on Sunday thought she had strong technical details, but lacked the flashiness of a BIS-winner so the nomination went to a stunning young ragdoll. Totally fine with me! Nessie is a cat I love to bring to shows as she is so happy and cuddly and relaxed. Almost a bit too relaxed as she thinks it's too inconvenient to be stretched out for long periods of time and she rather not flex a single muscle, hanging over my shoulder. Sometimes I wonder if she thinks she is a ragdoll herself...
Thunderbird was on his first show on Sunday and had a fan club with in his new owners travelling from Spain. He got
Ex1 over a nice older NFO boy who was nominated the day before and
BIV-total in NFO group 4 which felt great considering he is not even four months old. In the nomination he was up against an incredibly beautiful blue bi-colour ragdoll girl just a couple of days from competing in class 11 and the judge thought long and hard and we all were incredibly nervous... In the end, he won
NOM because of his lovely profile line and that he showed himself nicely and that surely made our day! In the panel, Thunderbird went up against (amongst others) the JW-boy who got BIS the day before and who also got all votes but one on Sunday. (Big congrats Cornelius!) Still, it felt like winning because of the tough competition and it was extra much fun that Thunderbird's judge kept her vote on him :)
This weekend in Kungsör,
Nightcrawler was shown for the first time as a neuter and got great judgement (despite his somewhat round stomach...) and was both
BIV and
NOM! We keep our fingers crossed he will have a successful career as a show neuter!