Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just a few words

The kittens are doing just fine. The ones with a tough second week actually gained more in weight during the third week than the others. Älva seem to have a little less milk this time than during her two earlier litters, but soon they will start with solid food and the weights will even out quickly.

Perhaps a bit slower in physical development than most of our earlier litters, they have just started to explore a small part of the world outside the kitten basket. The cuties find our laps exciting mountains to climb around in and some have started to play a bit.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Weekend approaching

Looking forward to the weekend and more time to cuddle the little ones!
Just wanted to show a few pictures of our Tristan, big and toad-like, lovely and gorgeous :) His eyes are still to be opened, but some of the others has started to get a blurry confused view over the world.
At the moment, I believe he will be a warm light-brown coloured brown tabby, like Älva's older son Wolverine. Time will tell...
It is very frustrating to see that the kittens prefer only the upper row in the milk bar disregarding the one closest to Älva's head, meaning there is room for three kittens at the same time... Tingeling mostly accepts to get a lower one, but Bergtuva and Anileah end up fighting for the same occupied one and have no chance whatsoever as Tristan is gigantic :/ They all seem healthy and show no signs of illness and we support them with milk so hopefully it will be enough to help them through. They have a strong will to live. Hopefully...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

After a few days

The kittens are three days old today and they are all strong and seemingly they will all make it. Half of them are big and strong and the other half tiny but just as strong-willed and full of life, just smaller. We make sure they get enough to eat and give Älva extra yummy food and we are confident it will help.

This time, we chose a fairy theme since our daughter started convincing us perhaps half a year ago... It suits this litter well, as Älva is Swedish for fairy. The names are also in Swedish out of request. Let us just hope that 'Silverdagg' will turn out to be silver (this kitten was specifically named the first day, so I did not dare change it...) ;)

The kittens had very low birth weights: 57-94 grams, but this does not signify small cats as adults. Älva got a few of the low weight last time as well, amongst others Desperado who turned out quite nicely sized and gorgeous.

The website is at last updated with pictures, names and information. Silver or not? Time will tell...

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Not that simple...

In the middle of the night, the weak girl started eating and in the morning she was as warm and full of life as the others. Fingers crossed she will make it! The kittens had low birth weights, but they all seem fine so I hope they will make it. (Had to look it up and last litter had low weights as well and they ended up just fine as adults).

Colours then... Well, they are blotched tabby all of them... Very dark such. The tiny spots where the 'brown/silver' parts break through the shiny solid black makes me more confused than give answers - they are all more or less cold... Time will tell. There should be a couple at least. Two has classic amount of white: face, paws/legs, stomach. Two have tiny amount of white: tailtip, medallion, a few toes. Two have no white.

Since they are so tiny, I got a bit confused over the male/female bit ;) Probably four females and two males (those are rather clear at least).

Älva is a proud and happy mum and I am glad I got to keep her company this time. Hoping they will all make it...

Monday, January 05, 2009


Nessie (i.e. Bridget Jones) is GSD IV normal!

Älva takes her time... One of the kittens is very weak after getting stuck with her head and getting fluid in her lungs so she might not survive the night. Information about sex and colours including pictures will be added here and on our website tomorrow.