Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bah x 2

Our first two lambs for 2009! One boy and one girl.

Monday, March 23, 2009


of course Topher is red...

Pics of the Fairies tomorrow night. Sorry for the delay.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Newlyborn Topher might just as well be red... His colour is so deep and cold and compared to mummy's red he looks like a dark cream. He definitely is blotched tabby though. Silver? Time will tell... He is a sweet and big boy who already enjoys being cuddled.

Sister Sierra has no time for cuddles as she tries her best to catch up in weight with big brother. She has the most dark blotched tabby pattern I have ever seen... Still think she is a cold silver, though.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Innocent Kit Kat Jam - presenting proof that he is up to no good. Tristan is complaining ;)
Beautiful Tristan!
Sweethearts Tristan and Kit Kat Jam, here keeping me company as I was keeping China company before the kittens were born.

The two babies have gained weight overnight and are warm and happy. Mummy China is a proud and great mum. Pics and names on the website.

China's third litter

Wednesday afternoon, China gave birth to two lovely kittens. One male e 09 22 (with a deep and cold colour, clear pattern) and one female ns 09 22 (with a dark tabby but clear silver). Mum and kittens are doing just fine this morning. China looks almost as big still as before they were born but we feel no movement - I guess she is just big ;) Pics and names tonight!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Firefox visiting

It was great fun to see that Firefox has grown into a very powerful young male! At ten months of age his weight is six kilos and he is both strong built, with nice lengths and proportions and I believe he also still has a long tail... Firefox had a great time, adapting in a second to the cat run and ran around like crazy for an hour while me and owner Lotta tried to capture him. Great fun that you brought him along for a photo session, Lotta!
Enigma did not appreciate to have a fertile male visiting... He is still very protective over his domains. Hopefully Enigma will accept future fertile males here as long as he gets to follow them from kittens.
Well, after bringing Enigma indoors, Firefox and his brought-along cat friends explored the cat run, climbing the wall and seemed to enjoy themselves.
He is an amazing boy :) Thanks Lotta for taking great care of him!