Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Results from World Show

Big thanks and congrats to Daniela at D*Eressea's cattery who brought PR S*Restless Big Bad to the show! It was definitely all worth it when he managed to get CAPIB BIV-N NOM! We are so proud!

Copyright Daniela Demke

A daughter of S*Restless Syriana JW participated and did quite well as well! ES*Vestvegr Bonnie Tyler JW got BIV and NOM in group 6! Big congrats on fantastic results to the proud owners and breeders Miguel and Eva at Vestvegr cattery!

Last but not least, we are happy to say a big congrats to a World Winner 2009 - the father of our Fairies litter - WW09 GIC Casanova de Khazad-Dûm*F! Big congrats Susanne, Peo and Sandra at S*NC's cattery!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Never leave me

These charming kittens cause addiction... Already two weeks of age and we see more and more of their personalities, but they all love attention and purrs when handled. They show interest of the world outside and practice to crawl around, but so far stay in the kitten basket. Typewise we are still quite pleased and they seem to develop harmonically.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sweetest Kaylee

Just have to show a short movie of Kaylee. She adores attention and loves to cuddle. The others are more or less the same, just various degrees of intensity. They are absolutely adorable and I already dread the day they will move...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Firefly litter 1 week

The sweethearts turned one week of age Monday evening and most of them start to open their eyes. Already they show their cuddly, sweet personalities. Most of them purrs when being cuddled in my hands. They roll over on their backs and simply enjoys being handled. Jayne screams and crawls into my hand when I put it in the kitten basket and the others are also very happy for attention.

Typewise we are quite pleased as well. The girls show an impressive bone structure already, also being the heaviest. They all seem to get strong chins, promising triangular shaped heads and well-placed ears.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Anansi's and Kit Kat Jam's babies are finally here! All went perfectly; five kittens born within three hours with nice weights, promising type and strong boning. Anansi is a fantastic mother so far.

Currently we believe we have:
Kaylee - female - n 23 - 140g
Inara - female - n 09 23 - 135g
River - female - ns 09 23 - 125g
Jubal Early - male - n 23 - 140g
Jayne - male - n 09 23 - 135g

But you all know things can change...

Here we had high hopes for both blue and blotched tabbies, but we hardly even got silver.

Keep your fingers crossed everything will work out fine and pictures can be found at our ordinary website.