Results from World Show
Big thanks and congrats to Daniela at D*Eressea's cattery who brought PR S*Restless Big Bad to the show! It was definitely all worth it when he managed to get CAPIB BIV-N NOM! We are so proud!
Copyright Daniela Demke
A daughter of S*Restless Syriana JW participated and did quite well as well! ES*Vestvegr Bonnie Tyler JW got BIV and NOM in group 6! Big congrats on fantastic results to the proud owners and breeders Miguel and Eva at Vestvegr cattery!
Last but not least, we are happy to say a big congrats to a World Winner 2009 - the father of our Fairies litter - WW09 GIC Casanova de Khazad-Dûm*F! Big congrats Susanne, Peo and Sandra at S*NC's cattery!

A daughter of S*Restless Syriana JW participated and did quite well as well! ES*Vestvegr Bonnie Tyler JW got BIV and NOM in group 6! Big congrats on fantastic results to the proud owners and breeders Miguel and Eva at Vestvegr cattery!
Last but not least, we are happy to say a big congrats to a World Winner 2009 - the father of our Fairies litter - WW09 GIC Casanova de Khazad-Dûm*F! Big congrats Susanne, Peo and Sandra at S*NC's cattery!