Our old breeding male Enigma loves kittens and takes such good care of them.

The sweeties are eight weeks of age and a pleasure to share our home with. A so far trouble-free bunch who gain weight quite nicely and understood the litter box and dry food instantly. They are now old enough to distinguish technical features and we are happy that all five have promising coat textures, even though some are stronger than others. I believe Ottolina has the best coat quality, lovely ears and the best temperament, Nim has the best profile/top and bone structure, Corby Flood also have a perfect profile, longer than Nim's, the best look and ear size, Narnia has the best chin. Fergus is the only boy and very strong built with nice proportions. They all have nice ear tufts. It will be tough to part from all of them. Individual pics can be found at the website later today/tonight.

Just have to add a pic of the cutest tailtip, belonging to Nim.