About time for an update, but without kittens in the house, there ain't that much to report... Well, of course we are awfully proud over the show results of our offspring lately!
Big Bad became
Premier last weekend in Germany! Big congrats Daniela!
SeaMonkey got two
CACIB:s in Norway, in shortest summer coat! Congrats Wenche!
Silverdagg got
Ex1 NOM (Saturday) and
Ex1 (Sunday) with wonderful judgements in Norway! Big congrats Vibekke!
At home, the cats slowly start to prepare for the colder weather. The ones usually in full coat from July to October are still not in full condition. I have no idea what makes them build coat later this year compared to earlier years, but anyhow, variations happen of course.
Having a lazy day at home and two of the cats kindly agreed to pose for a short while.
Chai is finally getting in coat condition again. She will be stunning later this autumn! Autumn is definitely her time of the year colourwise as well. Quite looking forward to trying to capture the autumn with her in the center; her sparkling colours with the contrasting bright white and green eyes together with colourful leaves makes magic.
Älva's son
Tristan turns eight months of age today and for once I captured him on his 'month-day'. We are so in love with this guy, all two-legged at home. He is a teddybear with the sweetest and kindest temperament. Although he is in full coat condition at the moment, he constantly looks perfectly groomed (well, not under the chin since the coat stucks in his mouth sometimes...). He is our pride and joy!

Tristan again.

More Tristan...

His mother
Älva will hopefully have a date together with
Kit Kat Jam anytime soon, for her most likely last litter. We hope for lots of silvertabbies!
Yawning Angel's younger sister
Tigrinya is in lovely coat condition at the moment so perhaps we will bring her along somewhere, hoping for the last CAC and the Champion title. Hardly cannot wait for her next litter, although we have to wait until 2010 sometime... Really should try to get new pics of her as well...