Saturday, September 30, 2006

Finally new pictures!

I must admit I got more than reasonably tired of updating our website with kitten pictures, so last week I skipped it... It was a busy week with four moving kittens and the preceding visit at the vet and a busy weekend before as well with stuff unrelated to the cats. Well, now we only have a couple of weeks together with the younger ones until they start to move...
The kittens are doing just fine. Some of them refused to eat when we changed the dry food here, so they fell behind a bit but they are gaining weight fast again. Not the biggest kittens we have had, but it seldom means anything in the end, having both Mosaic and Bridget Jones in mind :) They were both pretty hopeless with food as kittens, but growing fast into big and strong cats as they grew older.

My climbing tree is bigger than yours...

Ivette enjoys being outdoors: climbing trees and hills and catching mice! Now that we live so far from roads and neighbours, the only danger would be larger predators, so our neutered cats have the possibility to roam freely when we are at home.

Working on 10-week pictures of the Movie-litter and also 12-week pictures on the Language-litter and the website will be updated as soon as it is finished! All four in the Language-litter have moved to their new homes and are settling in nicely.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

No new pictures

This will probably be the only pictures shown of the Movie litter this week on the internet. We have been too busy to photograph the little ones.
We tried to get some nice pictures of the kittens outdoors, but happy children and playful kittens destroyed my plans ;)

Another big cat we saw today on our visit to Nordens ark

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Well, sorry, but no 9-week photos of the little ones today :( We had a calm family day together (and found lots of yellow chanterelles) and I will instead try to photograph all kittens tomorrow as three of the older litter will move on Monday. I know some of you are waiting impatiently, and I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I hope you understand. Better with some nice pictures than a few bad taken in a rush...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Language-litter 11 weeks

The pictures are online!

Just one more week until they start moving to their new homes... They look a bit more 'extreme' than we usually expect after Kiwawa and Enigma, but we believe they will get broader heads and straighter sidelines when they grow up, especially when comparing to parents, siblings and half-siblings. All four have strong and muscular bodies and they actually have more lengths in body than we are used to in this combination as well. Being kittens after Kiwawa, the coat is of course of impressive quality already. Sawai is the playful and purring boy. Illyrian is still mummy's boy... It will do him good to leave mum! He still loves to hang out together with her to get a sip of milk now and then. As we have seen before, the kittens prefer to choose playmate according to colour and being the only red, he is spending more time alone or with the youngsters than the others. Blackfoot is a gentle giant - strong and sad-looking but kind and calm. Tigrinya is a special girl with a strong mind and a personality that intrigues me. Friendly and sweet; loves to lick at hands and feet.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Movie-litter 8 weeks

Pictures on the Movie-litter finally on our website! First out a cute picture of our daughter Joanna hugging Memento.

Simply beautiful!

S*Restless Konqueror 1 year 8 months of age - looking like a dream :) It is always fun to visit grown-up kittens and see how big and beautiful they have become and see how happy they are in their homes.

The Movie litter turned eight weeks yesterday and new pictures will be uploaded as soon as possible... All is well with all eight kittens :)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Kitten pictures

Now you can find 7-week pictures of our movie-litter and 10-week pictures of our language-litter at our website! Enjoy!


Wolverine överlevde ett fall från 6:e våningen utan stora skador! Han svarade matte när hon ropade. Nu är han hemma och vilar upp sig från strapatserna hos kattvakten. Vi är så lättade att allt slutade så väl och sänder många kramar till hans familj :) Tack också till alla som engagerade sig och kom med tröstande och uppmuntrande ord till oss på utställningen igår!

Sunday, September 10, 2006


After today's show Ivette got a new title:Premier :) Our beautiful PR IC S*Ulvborgen's Ivette is always a pleasure to show - a big girl over 5 kilos (yes, a bit of overweight, but she is more active than a kitten...) with an expression that leave an impression :) Now she will stay at home from shows until we show abroad next time, which might take a while.

S*Animaniac's Bridget Jones was Ex1 out of 2, but did not beat yesterday's competitor S*Långängen's Mandel in the BIV today. Mandel got BIS over SW-Jim today - big congrats Lotta to 2xBIS this weekend :)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Nessie on show

Nessie (that is, S*Animaniac's Bridget Jones) was on her first show in the 6-10 month class and got an excellent judgement and Ex1 BIV 6-10+A NOM. She actually got one vote out of seven :D

Friday, September 08, 2006


There will be no new pictures of the kittens tomorrow, but the 7-week pictures (taken one day early) will hopefully be uploaded on Monday! Here are the two lovely and sweet girls Serenity and Syriana. We just love their look :)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Language-litter 9 weeks

One day late, but finally the nine week-pictures taken yesterday are uploaded to our website. The kittens are very playful and they have very little time to sit still and cuddle. Kiwawa is starting to sleep elsewhere more and more now, so she is getting ready to part from them, but we get to enjoy the little ones a few more weeks :)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Sleep well Amélie

After a visit to the vet and an x-ray, we got the explanation why Amélie disliked to be held. She had a hernia in her diaphragm, so the intestines pushed on her lungs and she had trouble breathing when held over her chest. She was just as playful as her siblings and very cuddly as long as she stood on the floor, but the past days we have wondered whether it might be something wrong with her chest. The veterinarian said it was very unusual and nothing to worry about concerning heredity, but the prognosis if we would have kept her alive was quite bad. She was a very sweet, social and lovely girl and we will miss her a lot. She made quite an impression and we will always remember sweet Amélie...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Movie-litter 6 weeks

Early update today ;) The Movie-kittens have developed quite nicely the past week and they are getting more and more beautiful for each day. A bunch of social kittens, but they still have not started to escape over the kitten fence. Amélie wanted to cuddle instead of being photographed and Desperado was way too playful to watch the camera, but in all they were more or less helpful ;)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Loads of pictures

We are quite pleased with our decision to keep Tiggi! She is a promising girl, even if we do not quite agree with her ear size, shape and placement. Considering the quality on the kittens after her older siblings, we are quite excited to get kittens after Tiggi! Already planning and thinking about suitable males...
Such a sweetie!
Even if she got kittens this summer, Älva's coat started to grow longer just in her ordinary manner during summer. That means that she will most likely loose her coat again in November-December and that means we cannot take her to shows again until next summer. No way I will show her coatless now that she is aiming for the highest title!
Our sweetheart Nessie! Always sweet and soft and purring :) Soon she turns six months and she is not far behind the other girls in size. She just makes everyone happy and it is a pure joy to watch her catch flies in the air.
Three cuddly kittens in a hammock - "pleeeease don't stop cuddling our bellys"!!! Serenity, Memento and Desperado early this morning.
The kittens gladly sleep in our laps, lying on their backs.
Serenity is such a sweet girl and sooo beautiful! Unfortunately she seems to have something on her tail ending. Damage or congenital, we will never know, but we hope to find a loving pet home instead - or perhaps to be shown as a neuter?
Funny-looking and promising - the kind of boy hard to forget :) Getting more harmonical and beautiful each day.